Founded in 1990, Speedtech is a leading manufacturer of electronic connectors focusing on innovative design, R&D and manufacturing. It emphasizes market immediacy and cost in the communications, computer, automotive and consumer electronics industries. It is the world’s first USB Type C product association. The certified company takes the leading position in the market of high-speed and high-frequency connectors and wiring harnesses. In recent years, it has expanded to the SMT parting business and FATP finished product assembly, and has also invested in the case injection business to fully meet customer needs from design to mass production. To provide customers with one-time purchase and more complete services, Speedtech has been recognized by customers from all over the world.
Established in October 1990 OTC information: OTC in 2000 (OTC: Over-The-Counter Security Exchange of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Committee)
1.The business of the company
The company is positioned as a “total solution provider that provides precision parts and technical services”. At present, in addition to various electronic connectors, the main product items include the establishment of SMT and FATP production lines, which can not only provide precision connectors, but also provide Customer OEM assembly. Major industrial applications include consumer electronics, network communications, Internet of Things, servers, medical and automotive.
2.Product introduction
In addition to the company’s commitment to the precision of electronic connectors, the development direction of new products focuses on high-frequency and high-speed, light, thin, short, electromechanical integration, and embedded injection connector related products. In addition, using the industry’s advanced equipment, with a stable, high-quality fully automatic production line, tailor-made SMT services for the group and customers. It also continuously integrates vertically and effectively utilizes the resources of the group, strengthens the division of labor among the various organizations within the group, and develops acoustic-related products.
(For each product, click on the product to view)
Taoyuan Factory
Contains video↑Kaohsiung Factory
Contains video↑', title:"Kaohsiung Factory", width: 900, Height: 900 }); } function see2() { swal({ html: '
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