Employee Compensation

Employee Compensation

Employee Compensation

In addition to pursuing corporate profitability, SpeedTech  also takes the practice of corporate social responsibility as its mission. Considering the long-term development of attracting outstanding talents, motivating and retaining existing employees, a salary system is designed to reward colleagues for their hard work. Employee remuneration is determined based on their education background, work experience, professional skills and work performance, and does not differ due to their age, gender, race, religion, political position, marital status, or trade union affiliation.

1. Basic salary
Set the salary payment standard with reference to the salary market and the company’s operating conditions. It will also be adjusted in due course according to changes in the overall industry prosperity, market salary dynamics, and government regulations.
In 2022, the ratio of the minimum monthly salary of new grassroots employees to the statutory basic salary is 111%.
Rank 2022 Female/Male Salary Ratio
Department-level supervisor and above 1:1.00
Departmental Director 1:1.02
Course Supervisor 1:1.17
Non-administrative position 1:1.23
Note 1: Because most of the positions are research and development and engineering, most of these positions are men, and the salary market of such positions is higher than other positions, so the overall salary of male employees is slightly higher than that of women.
2. Annual salary adjustment
According to the overall operating conditions of the company, salary adjustments corresponding to individual performance are made every year.
year Overall salary increase average salary increase
2022 0%~15% 4.52%
3. Year-end performance bonus
In order to motivate employees’ work performance, according to the management policy, set departmental work indicators and personal work goals, evaluate the individual performance of employees, and issue year-end bonuses depending on the profit status.
Fourth, employee remuneration
Adhering to the concept of profit sharing with employees, the company’s articles of association stipulate that if there is a profit in the current year, 1%~5% should be allocated as employee remuneration.
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